Thursday, October 31, 2019

Student will be required to go to zoo observe two types of non human Research Paper

Student will be required to go to zoo observe two types of non human primates and write two pages on each primate observed - Research Paper Example His movement on the ground is fast and fluid, and he leaps along, using hands and feet, and somersaulting as he goes. He looks left and right all the time, as if to scan for predators, and as soon as he reaches a tree trunk he swings up in an arm over arm gesture. His movement from branch to branch is even faster than his ground movement, showing an adaptation to life in the forest canopy. On the ground slightly apart from the tree equipment there is an older female and a younger orang utan who are engaging in what looks like affectionate teasing. This is probably a mother and child, but the younger individual is not a baby. This may be an adolescent. The pair roll about on the grass, and hug each other from time to time as they do so. Communication appears to be by touch, since they do not have much eye contact, and their interaction is mostly silent. The bond between the two is obviously close. At one point the solitary younger male approaches the two and reaches out as if to touch them, but the two ignore him and he distances himself again from them. None of the orang utans take any notice of the human observers on the perimeter of the enclosure. High up on a shelf there is another adult individual sitting in a crouched position. The full face is hidden, and so it is not obvious whether this is a male or female. It is easy to overlook this one because there was little movement and no sound. The orang utan looked down on the pair playing on the grass, but appeared not to be interested in what was going on. It may be that this orang utan was depressed, or simply bored with the same routine. There were several spells when the young male positioned himself at the edge of the enclosure, looking out and turning his back to the other individuals. This appeared to be a deliberate statement of independence from the rest, as if he were imitating the senior sitting up on the high shelf. He did not sustain this pose for long, however, and soon resumed his hyper-active s winging, grasping the suspended toys, and running along the ground. The key activities viewed were therefore play (both solo and in a mother/child pair) and observation of each other and the surrounding area. There was plenty of independent activity, but only the mother and child had any real close interaction with each other. This suggests that orang utans are fairly solitary creatures outside the mother/child unit. There is evidence of group awareness but it appears not to be the main concern of the orang utans observed. The chimpanzee group is much more vocal and there is a lot of interaction between individuals, with groups forming and dissolving all the time. There is also a larger number present, with at least 12 individuals moving around in a steady walk on their hands and feet. From time to time there is some screeching from one or two individuals, and the rest appear to be uneasy when they hear this. The screeches are made with bared teeth and agitated movements. The other chimpanzees look at the screeching chimpanzee and then look away again, sometimes making lip movements and raising eyebrows. Some chimpanzeess get up and move out of the way when an agitated individual approaches them. Many individuals sit for a time on the grass, picking items up and looking at them which suggests a foraging instinct. They do not appear to be eating what they find. It is not always evident which are males and which are females, especially in the younger individuals. There is one

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Management and Operation of Food Services Essay

The Management and Operation of Food Services - Essay Example As tourists become more mobile, so does the food they eat. Food, culinary styles and the increasing differentiation of dishes and cuisines in tourism destinations have developed. Global drinks and foods are emerging, such as Coca-Cola and McDonald's, and local and regional food is thriving, and new 'fusion foods' are also being created to feed the 'global soul' (Iyer 2000). Tourists themselves are contributing to gastronomic mobility, by creating a demand in their own countries for foods they have encountered abroad. Gastronomy has developed considerably through the years. Gastronomy is not only extremely difficult to define, but the term, just like 'culture', has become more heavily laden over time. As Scarpato shows, the original definition of gastronomy has broadened in recent years. The Encyclopdia Britannica (2000) defines gastronomy as: 'the art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food'. Gastronomy was for the nobility, but over time the concept included the 'peasant food' typical of regional and local cuisine. The serving and consumption of food has become a global industry, of which tourism is an important part. Mass tourist resorts can often be divided spatially on the basis of cuisine. One can spot English tourists in English pubs, German tourists in the Bierkeller. Some tourists still engage in the habit of taking their own food with them on holiday.Food is a means of forging and supporting identities, principally because what we eat and the way we eat are such basic a spects of our culture. Given the strong relationship between food and identity, it is not surprising that food becomes an important place marker in tourism promotion. One of the basic reasons for this is the strong relationship between certain localities and certain types of food. As Hughes (1995:114) points out there is a 'notion of a natural relationship between a region's land, its climatic conditions and the character of food it produces. It is this geographical diversity which provides for the regional distinctiveness in culinary traditions and the evolution of a characteristic heritage.' This link between location and gastronomy has been used in a number of ways in tourism, including promotional efforts based on distinctive or 'typical' regional or national foods.In a gastronomic landscape, the forces of globalization and localization are both exerting pressures on our eating habits. The rise of fast food has come to characterize the globalization of culture and economy encaps ulated in the term 'McDonaldization' (Ritzer 1993). McDonald's franchises more than 25,000 outlets in 120 countries worldwide. The Big Mac has become a culinary product that it is used to measure the purchasing power parity of national currencies (Ong 1997). The cultural capital that we develop on holiday regarding foreign food is utilized in our leisure time to develop our identity. The fact that many people seek the comfort of the familiar on holiday is one factor that helps to support the spread of global foods. At the same time, however, there is a countervailing force towards more localization in what Castells call the 'space of places' - the local environments in which the bulk of the world's population live their everyday lives. A resurgence of the local is also being stimulated by growing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Advanced Train Control System Technology

Advanced Train Control System Technology 1. Introduction The Dockland light Railway is one of Britains great high-tech Automatic Train Control (ATC) system, now carrying over 60 million passengers. This highly developed train control system has expended more rapidly than any UK railways. DLR officially launched in 1987 to serve the existing Docklands population and helps to regenerate the Isle of Dogs area, with 11vehicles convoy and 15 stations. Since then the DLR network has extended to Bank, Beckton, Lewisham, London City Airport and King George V. It has 31 km of railway and 38 station with 94 vehicles [DLR Light News 2007]. DLR now carries more passenger than ever before, with additional increases in demand predicted over the coming years. The systems current 6o million passengers a year is expected to rise up to 80 million by 2009, when a further 55 cars will be added to the fleet [DLR Light News 2008].Passenger numbers will rise further when the DLR assumes a major role in transporting passengers to and from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games, serving five Olympic venues. [Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA)] For twenty years, passengers travelling on DLR have been intrigued and puzzled by the unique trait of this network, the absence of train drivers. The entire railway operates as a driverless system, carrying more than 200,000 people across East London every weekday. As the trains appear to stop and start with its own harmony, the operation of the network managed and monitored 24 hour a day, 365 days a year, from the DLR Control Centre. For passenger safety, security and assistance there is a Passenger service Agent (PSA) on every DLR train. The DLR is operated through a computerised Automatic control system. Control Room staff has access to a visual overview of the entire DLR network showing exactly where each train is along the railway at any given time. The benefit of operating a network in this way is incredible. As the system is controlled automatically it allows DLR to run many more trains. [DLR Light News 2007] In the field of Automated Train Control System it is imperative to know all trains position on the system for swift and safe operation. On of the common train operating system was fixed block system, where railway track are divided in to number of blocks. These blocks only allowed one train to occupy that block. Until that block is clear, it does not permit other train to get in to that part or track and big gap used to generated between two trains. To operate a numerous train service like DLR, the railway track has to be divided into many short blocks, requiring setting up and maintenance numerous number of signalling equipment, side track and head shunt. Previously DLR operating system was run by fixed-blocks system due to short rail way tracks, lack of side tracks and head shunts and more frequent service demand this system was later replaced by SELTRAC a Transmission-Based Automatic Train Control (TBAC) system based on the Moving Block Principle. SELTRAC is a registered trademark of Alcatel SEL. [Alcatel Canada Transport Automation] 1.1. Aim The sole purpose of this comprehensive study is to go behind the scene of the infrastructure of the Docklands Light Railway operating system and how this transport service has harness the Advanced Train Control System technology to operate and transporting thousands of people around its network in a diversely populated city with great magnitude of fast growing economy. 2. Comprehensive Literature on Advanced Train Control System (ATCS), Latest System Technology on Train Operation and Top-Level Description of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) Automatic Train Control (ATC) System The First International conference on Advanced Train Control, which was held in 1991 in Denver, suppliers from different countries of the world attended and demonstrated their technology, products and operating system. Burlington Northern (BN) in conjunction with Rockwell produced the first version of ATCS, known as ARES (Advanced Railroad Electronic System), where they developed satellite navigation system for locating trains on the system. They tested this ARES on BNs Iron Range lines in Northern Minnesota with the purpose to integrate trains information system with central commands and control functions. During year1987 to1993, Canadian National Railways (CN) and Canadian Pacific Rail (CP) made momentous improvements in the development and testing of ATCS. A key component in recuperating safety and productivity of train operations is ATCS technology; it provides better communication, more accurate information on train movement, train location, wayside interfaces and locomotives co ndition. Railways are part of a technological rebellion where sophisticated communications equipment and computer systems are in use to control the movement of train. A main new expansion in train operation is data transmission, which help the train driver and the control centre staff to transmit information directly, by radio and on-board computer. [Edward Furman, Network Management for ATCS Communication System 1991] 2.1 Current Technological Expansions 2.2 Advanced Train Control Systems (ATCS) Bombardier in Europe, Railway Association of Canada (RAC) and American Association of Railroads (AAR) began to explore the viability of a radio-based control system that would get rid of human error in the field of train operations [RAC, AAR, 1984].This development was co funded equally by these companies and several other railway companies, suppliers and consultants from Europe, Canada and the U.S. The main purpose of the project was to develop a modular computer-based train control system that will provide safe and more proficient railway operation. ATCS is state-of-art technology, where it ensures a safe train operation service, train separation, train verifying, the safety and the reliability of all movement establishment issued to train and maintenance staff, and also monitoring all equipment status.[U.S Department of Transport, An Aid to positive Train Control, June, 1995] The main goals of the ATC system are to provide: Ability to implement a system with mechanism from different suppliers, which will reduce problems related to interconnecting and interfacing components from different manufacturers. The ability for each railway to select the capabilities and character it needs to implement. interoperability. System compatibility across the railway to ensure faultless operation and interoperability between different railways. [Federal Rail road Administration, 1995] The Advanced Train Control Systems 5 major systems i) Central Dispatch System (CDS): CDS manage the movement of trains all over the railway networks and ensure safe operation without train delays and it also provides automatic train tracking and monitoring, status and control of the train and the field system. ii) The On-Board Locomotive System with two major sub-systems: On-Board Computer (OBC): OBC provides automatic location tracking and automatic transmission of train movement via the data communication system. On-Board Display Terminal (OBT): On-Board Display Terminal display and provides all the necessary information for example; actual train speed, speed limits and restrictions, train location, milepost, track geometry, type of authority, track work protection, and status of switches. The display of the information can be presented in text form or in graphical form depending on type of terminals. iii) On-Board Work Vehicle System: The on-board terminal allows communication between track maintenance staff, central dispatch and vehicles operator via data communications system. iv) Field System: Wayside Interface Units (WIU) are essential equipments in the field system, which provide monitoring and control of wayside devices for example; switches, interlocking, hot-bearing detector and train defect detectors. v) Data Communication System: DCS gather the various information processing systems collectively and considerably reduce voice communications. [George Achakji, March, 1992] 2.3 Data Communication System Data Communications System is based on 5 levels of information dispensation: i) Continental level: Continental level provides the functions that are obligatory for inter-railway operations. For example, transferring waybill. ii) Railway level: Railway level provides the functions which are compulsory for train operations and also for non vital management of train operations. iii) Regional level: Regional level provides operations across dispatch regions, from one dispatch centre to another. iv) Dispatch level: Dispatch level is a central control function for train control. It can communicate with vital or non-vital information and it is also necessitate for this level to communicating of vital information to and from trains, track forces, switches, and other wayside equipments. v) Wayside/mobile level: Wayside/mobile level provides both vital and non-vital processing of locomotive data, track units, and wayside devices; and communications information between trains, wayside and track forces. [George Achakji, Advanced railroad Electronic system, January, 1991] 2.4 Advanced Railroad Electronics System (ARES) The exertion on ARES began in 1984, when The Rockwell International and The Burlington Northern (BN) began to study new technologies that provide automatic identification of train speed and position. Initial tests conducted by The Rockwell International and they demonstrated that GPS could successfully track moving trains. ARES is an integrated command, control, communications, and information system which applies modern avionics technology to railway operations. Its design objectives were similar to those of ATCS, for example, safety and the efficiency of railway operations. In year of 1985, these two companies started to develop a prototype system to determine the production feasibility of this conception. In the year of 1987, Burlington Northern starts their expedition with 17 locomotives, 8 switchers with ARES hardware and GPS receivers, 50 WIU (wayside interface units), two high-rail trains with GPS system on the Mesabi Iron Range [230 mile test track] in Northern Minnesota. The ir prototypes testing began in parallel with the existing control system in 1988 and lasted for four year and the company (BN) reported that good results were obtained. [George Achakji, Advance Railroad Electronic System January 1991] Advanced Railroad Electronics Systems are consists of the following integrated sub-systems: I) data management ii) rail operations control iii) locomotive analysis and reporting IV) on-board display v) energy management and VI) wayside interface. The ARES also has the capabilities for advanced traffic arrangement. The system provides direct dispatcher intervention in hazardous traffic situations, i.e., stopping the train by remote intervention [switch] which can be easily activated from the central dispatch office. During the testing period [ARES] BN and Rockwell had some problem using GPS to achieve high accuracy of train position on parallel track. In an effort to correct the problem of parallel track, BN and Rockwell explored the possible use of real-time differential GPS in terminals and also used others methods to provide more accurate positioning inputs, for example, using transponders for trains approaching switches and sidings. [George Achakji, Advanced railroad Electronic system, ARES, January, 1991] 2.5 Incremental Train Control System (ITCS) On of the vital communications-based train control system is Incremental Train Control System (ITCS) where the system utilize digital data link between the wayside and on-board train location system and it also perform the requirement for traffic control functions. The ITCS provides enforcement of signal indications, speed limits, temporary speed restrictions, and advanced start of crossing signals. This system is developed by Harmon Industry for Amtrak in Michigan. [Peter Winter, ETCS system, 1995] The Incremental Train Control System consists of 3 main sections: i) The locomotive equipment: This locomotive equipment consists of On-Board Computer (OBC), display screen, GPS receiver and mobile communication package. ii) The wayside equipment: This wayside equipment consists of Wayside Interface Units (WIU) and Wayside Interface Unit-servers (WIU-S) (WIU-S are the interface with the signal system), crossing signals and defect detectors. iii) The communications network: This network consists of wayside local area networks (WLAN). This also use spread range radio, so it can link WIU with WIU-servers and radio frequency (RF) networks in the UHF range to link WIU-s with On-Board Computer. Incremental Train Control System is supplemented by ATC or automatic train stop systems. During its normal train operation, the train driver are accountable for observing each signal feature and control the train accordingly the speed limits and restrictions and also stop the train where a stop is necessary. ITCS is responsible for monitoring the signal system and ensure that the train is properly controlled with the speed limits, speed restrictions, and stopping, not maintain these parameters in that case ITCS will automatically apply the breaks to stop the train.[Christian Tietze, ICEs On-Board Train Control and Diagnostics System, 1994] Incremental Train Control System is also known as a distributed control system, not like the ATCS architecture which is a central control system. The On-Board Computer (OBC) store the data from signal indications, track curvature, speed limits, mileposts, speed restrictions, and the locations of all the devices which are needed to communicate with the train. The OBC is also works on the train status report with the help of wayside devices. If three status reports are missed, the OBC will automatically apply the train brakes. The OBC monitors the location of the train with the help of GPS data and compared the track data base. After receiving a signal indicator it determines the appropriate speed of that track. The OBC also calculates a braking outline for the train and display the necessary information on the display screen. In the events of track crossing the OBC will calculate and issue a time to crossing (TTC) to the wayside interface units (WIU). The WIU will synchronize train start timer with the OBC and will confirm that start time. If the train speed exceeds the initial speed, the OBC will calculate and issue a new TTC to the WIU. If the OBC still cannot receive any confirmation that the crossing timer has been began with the correct value, in that case it will demand that train speed to be reduced. In the event of private crossings, the OBC will observe the status and warning system through update messages from the Wayside Interface Units-Server (WIU-S). If the OBC does not receive a message indicating the warning sign is active, in that case train speed will be reduced. Most of the operation manual of ITCS is very close to a conventional ATC. [Christian Tietze, ICEs On-Board Train Control and Diagnostics System, 1994] 2.6 Positive Train Separation (PTS) System The Positive Train Separation (PTS) System is a non-vital safety overlay system. PTS functions in combination with the active operation methods, signal and train control system. This PTS system was first designed for the Union Pacific/Burlington Northern Santa Fe (UP/BNSF) Railroads and state of Washington to Portland Oregon railroads. The PTS system is measured as an add-on system that enhances safety by protecting against all human errors. PTS system is centrally controlled communications-based system, which takes control of movement ability and speed limits of the equipped trains. It is also translucent to the train driver as long as the train is operated according to its movement ability and speed requirement. It will become apparent if the train attempt to exceed its speed limit and movement authority, PTS will issue a warning sound alarm to the train driver and the brakes will be applied if the train driver does not brought the train under control immediately. [Ted Giros, Amtrak Tests Cab Signalling, July 1996] The PTS system consists of 3 following segments: I) The server: This segment confirm the enforceable movement authority and speed limit, trains identification, destination for each train under the PTS control and digitally transmit this information with the help of communication network to the locomotive segment of each equipped train. It also monitors all train movements to prevent conflict. ii) Locomotive: This segment is consists of an On-Board Computer (OBC) and a location determination System (LDS), a mobile radio and a display unit, where train staff can receive textual information. The OBC calculates and constantly updates information about authority limits and speed limits and applies breaks if the authority limits are exceeded. It also calculates the distance required to stop the train. iii) The Communication Segment: Communication segment gather and transmit all information with high reliability between the server and locomotive during the train operations. [Railway Age, May 1997] 2.6.1 Positive Train Control (PTC) System PTS is also a centrally controlled communications-based system. Its software is written in conformance with ATCS stipulation. The purpose of the PTC design is the removal of wayside block signal systems and the management train movements, for example; speed enforcement, enforcement of limits of the authority, protection of maintenance-of-way employees and work vehicles and also monitoring of highway-rail grade crossing.[W Moore Ede, Communications-Based Train Control, May 1997] The Positive Train Control system has 3 main sections: I) Office Equipment: The office equipments are consists of Computer-Aided Dispatching System (CAD), PTC Interface Computer (IC) and a protocol converter to interface with CAD, IC and data communication system. ii) The Data Communications System: This system is consists of 3 interconnected networks: a) Ground Network b) Radio Frequency link Network c) User Network The ground network is consist of cluster controller(CC), base communications package(BCP), message processing nodes, microwave channels, telephone circuits, fibre-optic links and modem to connect the nodes. The Radio Frequency (RF) link is consists of base, mobile radio and radio communication channels. The User Network is consists of all application software within each field device. iii) The Field Equipments: The field equipment is consists of mobile communication packages (MCPS), locomotives and wayside interface units (WIU). During an emergency brake application in normal routing operations, the system automatically transmits an emergency message that will invalidate the limits of authority of the other trains in the surrounding area. The PTC system carries out safety critical data through digital data communication system between Interface Computer (IC) and it self for the train locations, trains preset time and devices for highway-rail grade crossing. In PTC the higher priority data message is an emergency message which occurs due to trains emergency brake application. The PTC system has designed in such a way where failure of an emergency data message will not create any unsafe condition. [Railway Age, Washington may 1997] PTC also uses transponders in the following critical areas: a) during approaching to PTC-equipped territory, b) during the entrance of PTC territory and c) during approach to a controlled point within PTC territory. This transponder provides exact train location and routing determination. When an equipped train passes the transponders to move towards PTC-equipped territory, the system initialize the On-Board Computer (OBC) and set the tachometer to zero for location determination. The equipped train does not enter in to the PTC territory if the OBC cannot be initialized. [R Lindsey, Communication- Based train Management, May 1997] 2.7 European Train Control System (ETCS) The European Union (EU) has adapted a railway network system to overcome the major problems in the field of technical operating system, multiplicity of signalling and train control systems. In 1991 nine foremost European railway companies of the signalling industry reached an agreement with EU to develop a new train control system, which is now known as European train Control System (ETCS). ETCS has the ability to perform in combination with all the existing tracks and wayside equipment under the train protection and train control systems. [R. Ford, 1996] The ETCS is designed to congregate wide series of operational requirements. The capability of ETCS are provided in three levels a) Level 1: The new ETCS interfaces can meet the terms with the existing system. ETCS can also provide a basic Automatic Train Protection (ATP) capability combination with the conventional wayside signals. B) Level 2: This level has the option of speed data display for automatic train speed control. New Cab signalling system is also been added up to ATP capability. But still the trains can be driven by wayside signals equipment and it can also determine the train location with help of tracks fixed equipments and track circuits. c) Level 3: Train location and train integrity detection can be utilize with the help of transponders on the track (same as in ATCS). This system eliminates the need of track circuits and other detection techniques. In this level, the system incessantly provides an update of train location and also transmits the signalling information to all trains to ensure a safe separation. Level 3 ETCS is also capable of moving block signalling to maximize line capacity. One of the main goals behind the ETCS design is to develop common display units which can be easily understood by the all drivers across the boundaries of different European countries. The ETCS operates frequency range in 900 MHZ using data radio transmission called Euradio. This Euradio transmit encoded data in digital form with vital safety signalling standards. Each operational train does constant radio contact with a central computer. This central computer is responsible for controlling the trains movement and safe separation . [R.Ford, Railway Technology International, 1996] 2.7.1 Train a Grande Vitesse (TGV) Train Control System TGV (train grande vitesse) is French high-speed train, which has no wayside signals. SNCF (French National Railways) has determined that for a safe train operation track side signals, cab signalling system and on- board equipment with reliable advance information (road status) are vital to the operator. These requirements led to the development of an ATC system. There are two generations of ATC systems are in use on the TGV network system. Both these systems are significant for continuous link between the train and the track. [George Achakji, TGV System Development, 1992] TVM 300 is the first generation TVM. This TVM uses wired logic and has the following performance levels: at speed of 270 km/h with 5 min headway on the SE Line (in 1981) and at speed of 300 km/h with 4 min headway on the Atlantic Line (in 1989). [George Achakji, TGV System Development, 1992] TVM 430 is the second generation TVM This TVM is a fully-digitized system and it also design to companionable with all versions ground equipment. The TVM 430 is designed to have the following performance levels: at speed of 320 km/h with 3 min headway on the North Line and a mixed traffic with 2.5 min headway in the Channel Link which connects Paris -London-Brussels operation route. The TVM 430 based on a real-time, fault-tolerant architecture. To establish the safety requirements and all other techniques are based either on the intrinsic features of certain components, or on hardware or functional dismissal. [George Achakji, TGV System Development, 1992] The TGV has an on-board data transmission network called TORNAD. It has the facility to communicate between 18 computers (single-unit) and 36 multi-unit computers. The TORNAD has the following main functions: controlling, monitoring, and regulating of equipment; and carrying out the information exchanges for operation and maintenance. [George Achakji, TGV System Development, 1992] TGV has built with an automatic braking system. It stops the train when the driver exceeds the speed limit. During operation period, the brakes are monitored in the region of once a minute, and their status is indicated to the train drivers OBC screen. If the train driver exceeds the maximum speed limit which is permitted by the system, than the automatic train stop system instigate an emergency braking action [George Achakji, TGV System Development, 1992] 2.7.2 Advanced Control System Advance control system for train communication is an incorporated command, control and communication system. It is also known as ASTREE system. It was developed by the Socià ©tà © National des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), for train operations and for the railway network management. The ASTREE system offers computerized real-time control of train movement, with the help of radio telephone communication between a central control and onboard microprocessors. This system provides train position and location modification, ground-train transmission (known as data and voice transmission), switch control, monitoring and interlocking, automatic vehicle identification, train consist acquisition, and train integrity checking.[36] ASTREE system does not put any strong command for safety requested from the communications mechanism because in this system every train is equipped with location and communication capability equipment. During the train operation the trains location can be adjust with passive microwave tags (same as the ATCS track transponders, SNCF has new identification tags, capability to read train speed at 400km/h) through an on-board interrogator and the train constantly knows its own position and speed limit according to authority restrictions. [George Achakji, High-Speed Train, TGV system Development, March 1992]. 2.7.3 German InterCity Express (ICE) System The German InterCity Express (ICE) System is one of the state of-art train operation system set with locomotive at each train coaches. This system implements a sophisticated integrated data transmission system network, which imposes with traction control and also interacts with the each coaches control system. ICE System network uses fibre-optic cable to transmit data for trains diagnostic systems, real-time processing, and block maintenance and also for on-board passenger information and amusement. Using of fibre-optic is the best method for train-bus communication, because it is technically more effective and much more economical. [Christian Tietze, ICEs Onboard Train Control and Diagnostics System, 1994] ICEs electronic control and supervision devices are divided into 4 subsystem levels: I) Train operation level: Train engineers inputs resolute command during train operation from Automatic Train Control (ATC) wayside and Automatic Train Protection ATP) devices. ii) Train control level: This level handles trains automatic driving and braking and traction effort with the help of closed-loop control. iii) Vehicle control level: The vehicle control level has resulting redundancy for the train bus fibre-optic interface and the train control, for example, power car (locomotive) and the train coach. Central diagnosis device on the locomotive called the David monitors and stores all functions and malfunctions. It also checks trains equipment at the beginning of operation. The train controller unit on the trailer coaches called the Zeus. Zeus controls diagnosis and co-ordinates functions for each car. After receiving data from the train levels, it distributes this information to the subsystem level. iii) Subsystem level: The subsystem level includes propulsion control, brake control, auxiliary control, door control, and air conditioning control devices of the train. [Christian Tietze, ICEs Onboard Train Control and Diagnostics System, 1994] 2.8 Intermittent Cab Signalling (ICS) Cab signalling technology has been available and in use for many years. In 1979 it was first established on the Swedish State Railway (SJ X2000) for high-speed train operations. Its function has been proven both in European and North American railways. In the recent years, supplementary developments were undertaken by various railway companies. In U.S.A, Amtrak has tested an intermittent cab signalling system for the future advanced civil speed enforcement system (ACSES). In their signalling design, the system can operates independently and it can also be integrated with existing train control systems. It has the capabilities for enforcement of train speed limits and the automatic stop command by applying the trains breaking system (calculates and compares by trains on-board computer). This system also uses separate passive radio frequency transponders to provide the required data to a passing train. [Ted Giras, Amtrak Tests Cab Signalling, July 1996] 2.9 Docklands Light Railway (DLR) System Overview The Dockland light Railway (DLR) system outline is shown in Figure 1-1. The system comprises existing connection from Bank (BAN) to Canary Wharf (CAW), Tower Gateway (TOG), Stratford (STR) and Lewisham (LEW), Beckton (BEC), as well as a new line to the King George V (KGV) station. This automated system consists of approximately 27 km of double track, except between station Bowchurch (BOC) and Stratford, where section of single track exist. There are two manual deports, which are located at Poplar (POP) and Beckton (BEC).Alcatel Canada provided SELTRAC system, a transmission based signalling system for DLR. Conventional signalling follows the fixed block principle, where tracks are divided into section (blocks) of a prearranged length. A train is only authorized to carry on into a block when that block and the next are clear of traffic. To achieve the closer headway and system flexibility demanded by urban transit, shorter and more numerous blocks are needed in affixed block system. An adaptation of the system known as SELTRAC was developed and implemented by SELC. The technology was expanded to permit fully driverless operation in high capacity (i.e. passenger) application for the cities of Vancouver, Toronto and Detroit for Light rapid transit systems. Over the years these systems have demonstrated high availability and superior operating flexibility. SELTRAC has provided several operation modes including fully automatic known as Automatic train Operation Function (driverless) and Automatic Train Protection function (ATP) Manual. SELTRAC is based on the moving block principle, in which the safe separation behind the proceeding train is dynamically calculated based on the actual operating speeds, breaking curves and locations of the trains on guide way. This dynamic method allows shorter headways to be achieved without impinging on safety principles. With the SELTRAC system, all DLR Automatic Train Operation (ATO), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), and Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) function are performed with a minimum of wayside hardware. Checked-redundant centralised computers are in continues cyclic two-way communication with vehicle-borne, checked-redundant microprocessor control component. DLR major departure from conventional signalling is the centralisation of route

Friday, October 25, 2019

Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Laws Only Impact Law-abiding Citizens :: essays research papers fc

Tom is running full speed, maybe even for his life. It is a perfect summer night in San Jose, and Tom and his work partner just left work minutes before. They were walking through a â€Å"bad neighborhood† when some thugs started hassling them, and yelling obscenities at them. Tom and his friend walked by them quickly soon to be chased by the thugs. The thugs were threatening Tom and his friend’s life. Tom and his friend continue to run till the reach a busy intersection where Tom pulls out a semi-automatic handgun from his backpack and points it towards the thugs. As soon as the gun is leveled the thugs retreat leaving the two men alone. If there had been no gun Tom and his friend would have been seriously beaten or even killed. Tom did not have a permit for the gun, and might have not been able to get one without a special reason (Rauch 731). People like Tom need to be able to get gun permits, but it is so difficult because of all the criminal activity in America. Gun control laws are pointless and are only binding on the law-abiding citizens. The â€Å"waiting period† method of gun control is basically a two-step process. The first step in the procedure is that the person wanting a gun goes to the gun shop to buy a gun. Then, he/she must wait one to two weeks while the government performs a small background check for past criminal activities, disorderly conduct, or lack of mental/emotional stability. During this time, if the purchaser of the gun wanted the gun for a â€Å"quick crime† it is hoped that they will not still want to cause bodily harm after a few weeks of waiting around. Another dumb law is that is in effect in California is that if you want to carry a concealed handgun, â€Å"you have to prove that you have some special reason to carry†(Rauch 731). The problem with this method of gun control is that it stops the ordinary citizen from purchasing a gun quickly. It still does not stop criminals from buying guns. They purchase them through "dummy buyers" that have clean backgrounds. So when the criminal enters the law abiding citizens house with deadly intentions, the innocent victim can’t defend his family cause he can’t get a gun cause he was arrested for drinking and driving 10 years ago before he was even married, so therefore him and his family become victims.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Post Modernist Director Jim Jarmusch Essay

Jim Jarmusch is one of the prominent post-modernist directors whose works produced a profound impression on the audience and often evoked quite controversial emotions. His films are very original and convey the authentic message of the author, but the director often chooses such means of conveying his ideas that his works are perceived in different way by different people. In fact, some people enjoy his films and believe they are genius, while, on the other hand, there are people who do not really understand his works and are very critical in relation to his works. At the same time, it should be said that his films are destined not only for specialists but also for the mass audience, though the director’s ideas may be not always clear for ordinary viewers. Nevertheless, the artistic value of his works is practically undeniable. As a rule, his films are stylistically and artistically rich. The director skillfully applies different stylistic devices which help him convey his message to the audience. Among films created by Jim Jarmusch, it is possible to single out his film â€Å"Down by Law†, which depicts the tragedy of main characters who have to pass through serious challenges in the course of the film. At the same time, this film is a perfect sample of post-modernist films, where main characters confront severe reality of the modern world and where it is really difficult to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. In his film the author shows that in the epoch of high technologies, there are still a lot of problems which affect the life of ordinary people and make the life very difficult and even tragic. On analyzing the film â€Å"Down by Law† by Jim Jarmusch, it is necessary to start with the title of the film because it gives insight into the contents and message of the film. In fact, the title of the film is quite symbolic, though it is practically directly indicates to the overwhelming power of law and its impact on an individual. The title of the film clearly conveys the message that the law can affect the life of people dramatically and, what is even more important, the law is not always right or good. Basically, it is possible to estimate that Jim Jarmusch attempts to moralize and analyze the relationship between an individual and the law. Judging from the title, the director stands on the ground that the law can oppress an individual, it can deprive a person of freedom and punish severely. In this respect, the events depicted in the film are quite logical and basically support first ideas that the title of the film evoke. To put it more precisely, the main characters, three inmates, Zack, Jack and Bob, are cellmates and the director attempts to show that all of them are innocent and were wrongfully accused of crimes they have never committed. Nevertheless, all of them are sentenced and, therefore, punished by the existing judicial system which executes the law established in the society. In such a way, the author uses the title to prepare the audience to the perception of the film and adequate interpretation of his main message and ideas. It gives insight concerning the problem raised in the film, but, at the same time, the title also creates certain emotional state or mood which prepares the audience to perception of the film in the way the director finds the most suitable. To put it more precisely, the title has quite a negative connotation of the law. Traditionally, the law is associated with justice. The modern society gets used to perceive law as the basis of the social life, since laws regulate relations between people and support the existing social order and social stability. The violation of law naturally leads to the punishment of an individual through which the individual is supposed to be corrected and change his lifestyle and behavior. In other words, the law is viewed as a tool of the adaptation of the behavior of an individual to socially appropriate and acceptable norms. In such a context, the law is viewed as a positive concept since it maintains justice and social stability that are highly appreciated in the modern society. However, the title of the film suggests an alternative view on the law. Implicitly, â€Å"Down by Law† tends to convince the audience that the law is the punishment above all and its power is used to get people down, while there is little indication to any kind of justice in the title of the film. On the contrary, such a title rather produces an impression that the law is not absolutely just, if not to say unjust. In actuality, the title of the film refers probably to one of the major themes of the film – the relationship between a man and the law. Remarkably, the author attempts to show that the law is really oppressive that may be seen from the title of the film. However, such a conclusion is logical and the title is only a tool with the help of which the director conveys this idea. In actuality, the entire film shows that the law, as a tool of human justice, is often blind. Jim Jarmusch shows that the law is not a synonym of justice. In stark contrast, the law is shown as a powerful tool which has little in common with the concept of justice (Jilesen, 236). Even thought the concept of justice is not clearly defined by the director in the film, it is very difficult to get rid of impression that the law is wrong, at least in relation to the main characters, who got their sentences for crimes they had never committed. In actuality, the director manages to show that the concept of law, as a symbol of justice, is very conventional and it seems as if he wants to convince the audience that people should not totally rely on the law and the justice system at large, because there still remains the risk of errors and innocent people can go to prison. At the same time, Jim Jarmusch pays a lot of attention to interpersonal relations between people. In fact, it is even possible to estimate that the director attempts to underline the significance of interpersonal relationships, which can outweigh even the relationship between a man and the law. Unlike the relationship of a man and the law, the relationship between people is not conventional. In stark contrast, they are very personal and people can learn more about each other through communication and, in such a context, decisions of the judicial system made on the basis of law are absolutely irrelevant to people. What is meant here is the fact that the main characters of the film, the three cellmates, could perceive each other as criminals. Formally, all of them were accused and sentenced to different terms. Therefore, they could naturally perceive each other as criminals because the law defined them as criminals. At the beginning of the film, the director actually shows that such stereotyping on the basis of decisions of the judicial system can affect the perception of people. In such a situation, it seems to be quite natural that Zack and Jack soon come to blows because they perceive each other as criminals and, in actuality, their conflict is, to a significant extent, provoked by stereotyping and biased attitudes of Zack and Jack to each other. In fact, it is the biases and stereotypes imposed on them by the law lead them to the conflict. However, the director of the film apparently does not really believe that the law and the existing judicial system is worth trusting. Jim Jarmusch lays emphasis on the importance of interpersonal relationships which actually define the life of people and their perception of each other (Jilesen, 218). In other words, the director puts human relationships consistently higher than any conventional norms or regulations imposed on people by laws, traditions, tc. In fact, it is through the interpersonal relationship between people their nature and character is revealed. In this respect, it should be said that from the point of view of the law all the three inmates are criminals, but through their interpersonal relationships, they reveal the fact that they are not as bad as they seem to be judging from their sentences and crimes they are accused of. On the other hand, the director avoids labeling his main characters as either positive or negative. He wants to show that his characters are real people, they are alive, they have their own feelings, emotions, ideals. Briefly speaking, they are humans and, therefore, they are imperfect. At any rate, Jim Jarmusch does not idealize his characters and shows that they have both positive and negative qualities. At the same time, he shows that the world, society get used to perceive people in such a way, i. e. through the antagonism between good and bad. In this respect, the use of black and white color in the film is very symbolic. Traditionally, good and bad is associated with white and black color respectively. Jim Jarmusch has shot the film in black and white intentionally in order to convey his message to the audience. In fact, it is possible to view his film as a kind of mirror where the traditional perception of the modern world is reflected. To put it more precisely, people get used to perceive each other either positively or negatively, people are either good or bad. Hence, the choice of colors in the film is very original and unusual for the late 1980s, when there were quite a few films shot in black and white. The director attempted to convince the audience that people get used to perceive this world only in two colors (Hertzberg, 175). Therefore, the use of black and white was quite logical since the film just shows people the world in the colors people get used to perceive the world in. In such a way, the director also warns people about the danger of the loss of other colors since, on perceiving the life through the antagonism of black and white, bad and good, wrong and right, people forget about intermediary states and other colors and concepts. In such a context, when black and white dominates in the film, it is the complexity of interpersonal relationships of the main characters that makes the film really colorful and bright. And again it is possible to speak about a profound attention of the author to interpersonal relations between people which are extremely important to each individual. Moreover, it is relationships with other people that make human life purposeful and brings in certain sense. However, the director creates quite an unusual relationship between the main characters. For instance, Zack and Jack do not speak to each other after the conflict which occurs at the beginning of the film. Nevertheless, it does not prevent them from the establishment of good relationships and it is even possible to speak about a strange but strong friendship between these two not very talkative men (Hertzberg, 153). Their friendship grows stronger as they come through all the hardships after the escape from the prison. In such a way, the author shows that human relations are very complicated and it is very difficult to understand what actually makes people help each other and become friends. At first glance, Zack and Jack have no chances to become friends, at least at the beginning of the film, but by the end of the film they cannot be viewed otherwise but friends, even though they do not talk to each other. Consequently, there should something else in humans that makes them feel confident in each other and become friends. In this respect, it is possible to speak about strong post-modernist trends that can be easily traced in the film, especially through the relationship between Zack and Jack. What is meant here is the fact that Jim Jarmusch actually challenges the existing social norms and purely materialistic view on human life. Obviously, he rejects the supremacy of the law as a synonym of justice. Moreover, he even rejects traditional views on human relations and denies the rigid materialism of the conservative or traditional artists. His characters’ friendship cannot be rationally explained by a scientific theory or logic. Traditionally, normal or positive interpersonal relationships are established through verbal communication, but Zack and Jack have none. Instead, it is rather a kind of spiritual unity or spiritual communication between the main characters. In fact, their friendship is, to a certain extent, almost mystical. At any rate, it is irrational and does not meet any scientific approach that is very typical for post-modernist art at large and films in particular. In this respect, it should be said that, being a post-modernist director, Jim Jarmusch is very skeptical about science as well as about existing stereotypes, social norms, and the law (Suarez, 186). Instead, he argues that people are spiritually rich and it is impossible to explain logically and rationally all their actions and behavior. They can make errors and they can suffer from errors of other people or the existing social or justice system, but still they remain people. Basically, it seems as if the director cannot fully understand human beings, this is why he shows that some of their actions are defined by their internal inclinations or spiritual world. At the same time, the entire film may be viewed as a post-modernist protest against the existing social norms, stereotypes and biases, which limit humans by boundaries of social and legal conventions, norms and regulations. In such a context, the successful escape of the main characters from the prison is very symbolic because, in such a way, they escaped from the social biases and stereotypes, they freed themselves not only literally as they got freedom to move wherever they wanted, but they also got moral and spiritual freedom. They escape from the prison of social stereotypes and unjust laws. Moreover, after the escape, Bob even found his love and became happy that implies that only freeing themselves people can become really happy. Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that Jim Jarmusch is a successful post-modernist director, who attempted to convey his original ideas and his unique vision of the world and men through his works, among which it is possible to single out â€Å"Down by Law†. In this work, the author perfectly illustrated the imperfectness of the contemporary world and humans. He lays emphasis on the erroneous nature of the existing laws, stereotypes and traditional views of people which heavily rely on materialism, rationalism and logic. Instead, he appeals to human nature, to human spirituality and he underlines that people should strive for their own freedom from their own biases and stereotypes. People, according to Jim Jarmusch should be really free as are his characters.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aesthetic Education Essay

Friedrich Schiller wrote Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man in 1793 for his friend the Danish Prince Friedrich Christian who had provided him with a stipend to help him through an illness. In 1795 the letters were published and the provide a worthwhile consideration of the nature of Aesthetics for us still today. The collection of twenty seven letters is not an easy read but it is worth persevereing to gain the insights of this great poet and playwright, friend of Goethe and inspiration for Beethoven and many artists, particularly in the Romantic era. The book touches upon a broad range of topics, some of which you do not normally associate with aesthetics. However the letters do consider the nature of Beauty and its relationship to art and man. For Schiller beauty seems to arise as a synthesis between opposing principles â€Å"whose highest ideal is to be sought in the most perfect possible union and equilibrium of reality and form†(Letter XVI, p 81). Schiller also discusses the nature of the ideal man and how the impulse for play interacts with man’s nature, especially his rational and sensuous aspects which form a juxtaposition within him. This juxtaposition is discussed at length with a synthesis described in terms that suggest a transcendance that culminates in our very humanity (Letters 18-20). Man and his nature is important to Schiller as his reason, but â€Å"The first appearance of reason in Man is not yet the beginning of his humanity. The latter is not decided until he is free,† (Letter XXIV, p 115). Through discussion of the work of art and the fine arts Schiller brings us closer to a conception of what art means to man and how important â€Å"Homo Ludens† is as a conception of man. Schiller admired classical Greece and its art and saw the role of history and freedom important in the discussion of the nature of art. Above all both as a poet and a thinker Schiller held the ideal of freedom to be sacrosanct. According to Schiller, freedom is attained when the sensual and rational in man are fully integrated but his aesthetic disposition is seen as coming from Nature. These letters provide a rich vein of ideas from which the thoughtful and attentive reader may find inspiration in consideration of the aesthetics and the nature of the work of art. Friedrich Schiller menulis Surat Pendidikan Estetika Manusia pada tahun 1793 untuk rakan Christian Friedrich Putera Denmark yang telah disediakan dengan wang saku untuk membantu beliau sakit. Pada tahun 1795 surat telah diterbitkan dan memberi pertimbangan berbaloi sifat Estetika untuk kita masih hari ini. Koleksi 27 surat tidak read mudah tetapi ia adalah bernilai persevereing untuk mendapatkan pandangan penyair dan pengarang drama hebat ini, rakan Goethe dan inspirasi untuk Beethoven dan ramai artis, terutamanya di era Romantik. Buku ini menyentuh kepada pelbagai topik, ada yang anda tidak lakukan biasanya bersekutu dengan estetika. Walau bagaimanapun, surat mempertimbangkan sifat Kecantikan dan hubungannya dengan seni dan manusia. Untuk kecantikan Schiller nampaknya timbul sebagai sintesis antara prinsip lawan â€Å"yang tertinggi sesuai perlu dicari dalam kesatuan mungkin yang paling sempurna dan keseimbangan realiti dan bentuk† (Surat XVI, p 81). Schiller juga membincangkan sifat manusia yang ideal dan bagaimana dorongan untuk permainan berinteraksi dengan alam semula jadi, manusia terutamanya aspek rasional dan sensasi yang membentuk saling bertindih dalam dirinya. Saling bertindih ini dibincangkan dengan panjang lebar dengan sintesis diterangkan dari segi yang mencadangkan transcendance yang memuncak dalam kemanusiaan kita (Huruf 18-20). Manusia dan alam adalah penting untuk Schiller sebagai alasan beliau, tetapi â€Å"Kemunculan pertama sebab dalam Man tidak lagi permulaan kemanusiaan. Terakhir ini tidak memutuskan sehingga dia adalah percuma,† (Surat XXIV, ms 115). Melalui perbincangan kerja seni dan seni halus Schiller membawa kita lebih dekat kepada konsep apa yang seni ertinya kepada manusia dan betapa pentingnya â€Å"Ludens Homo† adalah seperti konsep manusia. Schiller dikagumi klasik Greece dan seni dan melihat peranan sejarah dan kebebasan penting dalam perbincangan yang bersifat seni. Atas semua kedua-dua sebagai penyair dan pemikir Schiller diadakan ideal kebebasan untuk menjadi boleh dipertikaikan. Menurut Schiller, kebebasan dicapai apabila sensual dan rasional dalam manusia bersepadu sepenuhnya tetapi pelupusan estetik beliau dilihat sebagai datang dari Alam. Surat ini menyediakan darah yang kaya dengan idea-idea dari mana pembaca yang bernas dan penuh perhatian boleh mencari inspirasi dalam pertimbangan estetik dan sifat kerja seni. PENDAPAT NO 2: Although this type of reading can be challenging for the modern reader, I thoroughly enjoyed this thought-provoking book. If you enjoy philosophy and subscribe to a personal philosophy that an appreciation of beauty and learning through play are valuable, Schiller will appeal to you. Walaupun ini jenis membaca boleh mencabar bagi pembaca moden, saya telitimenikmati buku ini memprovokasi pemikiran. Jika kita menikmati falsafah dan melanggan kepada falsafah peribadi bahawa menghargai kecantikan dan pembelajaranmelalui permainan adalah berharga, Schiller akan merayu kepada kita. PENDAPAT NO 3:SUMMARY A generic summary of the argument in Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man would be: in order for a person to become a moral and rational being she must pass through an aesthetic education in which she harmonizes with herself and thus becomes Free to exercise her rational will univocally. The passage often quoted as a summation of Schiller’s major theme in this work is: â€Å"It is through Beauty that we arrive at Freedom. † This passage, since I first encountered it, has been one of the few essential thoughts I carry with me through life. My superficial knowledge of Schiller, through only this famous quote and the above general argument, has had a disproportionate effect on me. When Conor Heaton, a friend from Chicago, recommended Schiller’s Letters to me, I was thrilled for the opportunity to read the entirety of the work and to test my own personalized version of the idea against Schiller’s initial conception. Schiller, a German Romantic dramatist, poet, and essayist, wrote his Letters during the height of France’s Reign of Terror. Like so many other Romantic thinkers across the globe, Schiller cried for joy at the French Revolution’s liberation of the human spirit. But, like artists and thinkers generations before and after him, Schiller suffered great disappointment in the aftermath of the revolution when power and fear destroyed the ideals of Justice and Freedom that had sparked the revolution. In some ways his argument stems from the idea that if the revolutionaries were perfectly educated in the ideas of aesthetics they would have been able to escape their own power struggles and thus have been able to create a Just and Free French State. Instead, the French Revolutionaries, whose only education on and exposure to government came from the monarch they so despised, exponentially replicated the atrocities of the very kind they dethroned. In doing so they turned the country into an irrational, immoral mess. It is a theme not isolated to 1790’s France, and though Schiller was influenced by the events of his time, he is also picking up an ambitious argument first articulated in the Western tradition two thousand years before his time. The idea of an aesthetic education as essential to a moral and rational life was originally Plato’s. In setting out to create the ideal civilization in his Republic, Plato’s characters conclude that banning books and particular artists (including Homer) will be necessary to ensure that young men are properly trained to appreciate Beauty. Plato’s characters felt that scenes from The Iliad about conniving and jealous gods were bad influences on young men, who may look to the gods as examples. And works that espoused ideas or styles that did not create the harmony in the soul essential to becoming a fully realized Moral man were not worthy of being taught. While laying the groundwork for regarding Beauty as essential to the human experience, Plato also put forward the first argument for censorship. (If one finds themselves scoffing at this idea or comparing Plato to Hitler, it may be wise to remember that a major component of America’s current education system assumes that those being educated cannot decipher the language and tone of Huckleberry Finn without intolerable harm, or read of Holden Caulfield’s rampant moral downfall and sexual escapades without falling into decadence, and that 12 year olds cannot be closer than 100 yards from a condom without instigating rampant uncontrolled sexual orgies. Plato’s excuse is that he didn’t have the benefit of thousands of years of education research proving his instincts incorrect.) Schiller never grounds his ideas by discussing or suggesting particular texts that may be suitable for an aesthetic education. His tendency to speak in shifting abstractions has cost him a more prominent position in the greater philosophical tradition. But if The Aesthetic Education of Man is read as it was written – as an artist trying to convince the world that Art and Beauty are essential to a Free and Moral civilization – then it is a wonderful and essential work whose philosophical consistency is far less important than its general spirit. Schiller’s argument itself is also only a small component of why this text is so engaging. He never stops reaching. His every sentence embodies the Romantic belief that truth, pure Truth, is at our fingertips, and with persistence It can be held in our palms. His style fluctuates between art and philosophy. Schiller has no fear of spreading his ideas, and his grandiose style represents perfectly the abundance of thought that was flowing out of Romantic Germany during his lifetime. He makes grand and provocative historical claims: â€Å"The Romans, we know, had first to exhaust their strength in civil wars . . . before we see Greek art triumphing over the rigidity of their character . . . And among the Arabs too the light of culture never dawned until the vigor of their warlike spirit had relaxed (58). † He states complex ideas in beautiful little statements: â€Å"We know that Man is neither exclusively matter nor exclusively spirit. Beauty, therefore, [is:] the consummation of this humanity (77). † And there is much more beyond this in Schiller’s Letters. He propounds a theory of Beauty and just how it can harmonize mankind and allow moral and rational men to flourish, and so on.